Friday, October 7, 2011

Pumpkin "Ice Cream" Sandwiches


I make these without the pumpkin quite often, but 'tis the season to use pumpkin, so I added some pumpkin puree to my recipe.

Makes 12 sandwiches

12         cinnamon graham crackers (broken in half)
1           small tub of cool whip lite
1/2 C    pumpkin puree
1/2-1 t  pumpkin pie spice (to taste)

1. In a medium bowl, wisk together whole tub of cool whip, pumpkin puree, and pumpkin pie spice. Return to freezer until semi-firm (about an hour or so).
2. Evenly distribute cool whip mixture onto 12 graham cracker halves. Sandwich together with remaining graham cracker halves.
3. Freeze, covered, for at least 2 hours before eating.

Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size-One Sandwich 
110 calories, 3.5 g fat, 12.5 g carbs, 1 g protein, 1 g fiber

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